Friday, November 15, 2013

(100p.n.) Unflinching Destruction.

For the past 3 months, the armies of the Meddenites and the Traitorous Hauberkan Army of Northrun have been in a grinding siege of the City of Hauberk, capital of  the duchy of the same name.  With the stocks of food inside the city running dangerously low, and thousands of non-combatants already dead of starvation or stray mortar rounds gone over the shattered killing ground of the former city wall, turned blasted mound of fortified rubble.

Hoping to soon storm the city for the last time, and take the wealth stored in the palaces and warehouses of the city. The declaration of war by Brambleburg and the Confederated Duchies, came with no small amount of frustration to Deckarde, who promptly ordered three corp to intercept the Brambleburg armies in the field somewhere to the south of Hauberk in the Kuhld Ridge.

Numbering around 10,000 men, the force is headed by Quincy De Loy, the traitor general of the Hauberkan Army of the Northrun.  They are a mix of the well trained Hauberkan army and the milita's of the Meddenite Crusade. All however, have had minor experiences in the siege, to a greater or lesser extent. It remains to be seen how they will perform on the fresh, and strongly motivated armies of Brambleburg. But all signs now point to a vicious slaughter of an engagement to take place sometime in the coming weeks.

Only time will tell...

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