Sunday, March 10, 2013

Guillton Merchantdom 

The Guillton Merchantdom has existed since the earliest years of what they refer to as the realm 
though not always a power trade might they are now.
It, like most other factions, started small first being a semi-nomadic caravan village that traveled the entire expanse of the golden brush, the only faction known to have done this to date. The first family to establish dominance over the caravan and form the style of government that would become the Merchantdom was the Vileploons, a family of hard working lumber jacks, this giving guillton it first big break into the trade world being at the time all starting nations required vast amounts of lumber to build with and none had seen as much of the golden woods as the ,Vileploon Merchantdom. 
the Guillton Merchantdom has not always held the Guillton name as you have gathered from the passage above, this is because periodically the ruling family will change due to either some sort of political upheaval, dyeing out of a family line or means of assassination, whatever the means the jest is the same the ruling family does not stay forever.
After the Vileploon families reign ended the rule of the merchantdom passed through several family hands not all of which were ever pertinent the most notably one following the Vileploon however was the Rudion family whoms main interest was ores, jewels, and metal working. this being important due to the Rudion family ruling during a time of war for the realm creating yet another form of trade that the Merchantdom that they would come to have total control over the deal making here in the realm.
The next most notably family being the Tortrikon which ruled duringone of the longest times of peace for the realm. They believed strongly in "pleasure over pain" so they became quite knowledgeable of items of ecstasy such as drugs and tools of a "sexual" nature and of course in the selling of the flesh. Though viewed as the least morally inclined family it is perhaps this family that would do the most to cement the Merchantdoms position in the world as the central hub of all trade for the realm.
And finally the currently ruling family the Guillton whom came to power by means of a small battle with the family preceding them the Douconies in the conflict know as "the fields of bloody doves" the battle takes it name from the crest of the Douconies family being a dove. as we know now the Guillton won however we were unaware to what degree, they slaughtered the entirety of the Douconies family in a well coordinated assassination plot, in which the main body of the family and its underlings were killed on the battle field and the heads of the family were killed in varied ways back in the city during the conflict in the golden fields. A fterwards the Guillton took power and taking the ideas of the past three major ruling families made up the new system of trade goods and bartering permanently sealing the Merchantdoms place as the trading might of the realm for the decades to follow.                   


  1. I'm liking what we have so far. I think I'll try my hand at an article for the Sultanate.

  2. Replies
    1. yes. Its rather a popular thing for countries in Jaradia, as the Nomadic Peoples of Windchill Shire, also have moving cities (the Nomads are Owen's Country as an f.y.i.). Though for more questions on this country you'll have to wait a bit b/c it belongs to JD and his net connections are rather spoty at best

  3. it may have been awhile but here is master jd any questions id be happy to answer since im at college most days I have internet access now
