The House Of Guillton
The current ruling house of the merchatdom and by far the most brutal going to any lengths to secure any venue which may seek to gain them monetary worth legal tender, gold, jewels, and other valuable items. The standing army of the merchantdom as it was always agreed to be due to the constant change in government the people of the merchantdom are not expected to serve instead the army is built up out of royal family guardsmen and the block is filled out by hiring out mercenary bands to act as standing units for the military. The Guillton families royal unit is as follows
The Guillton Dragoons
The Royal Firebirds( riflemen)
The Bloody Marries (an all woman melee unit)
These units have almost become known as the standing military and with each passing year become less the dogs of the Guillton family and more protectors of the realm soon some say that they will simple be the standing units of the merchantdom, if so another first for the Guillton family as that would be first standing military for the merchantdom to date.
The Guillton Merchantdom is not fully named after the ruling family it was altered from the families real surname "Galltone" to "Guillton" as the family has their own sub language and this word meant great or inspiring in their second-tongue as it is known in the merchantdom for many ruling families would have their own private language as a sign of higher learning or being more intelligent. The current head of the house is the young Lord Garekk Larson Galltone, whom over sees most all general trades for the realm he is considered a very important man and enemy in most all the countries of the realm.
Lord Garekk Larson Galltone -Duchess Marblek V. Galltone
Prince Garekk Larson Galltone II- Prince Musten Ruin Galltone-Princess Mareth Sasun Galltone